A Recovery Blog

This blog is about my continuing recovery from severe mental illness and addiction. I celebrate this recovery by continuing to write, by sharing my music and artwork and by exploring Buddhist and 12 Step ideas and concepts. I claim that the yin/yang symbol is representative of all of us because I have found that even in the midst of acute psychosis there is still sense, method and even a kind of balance. We are more resilient than we think. We can cross beyond the edge of the sane world and return to tell the tale. A deeper kind of balance takes hold when we get honest, when we reach out for help, when we tell our stories.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I picked this stock photo because it's a symbol of unity and unity is the direction I hope this country is going in. The economy is in real trouble at home and abroad and this is a major factor in why Obama has been elected to be the 44th president. And we need universal healthcare and to put an end to the war in Iraq. In fact, we need so many changes. The Democrats will now have much more power, but in order to really create the change we need when we need it, Republicans must join in too. We can't afford to waste time. It's the younger generation that is really put on the spot and they know it; in a lot of ways it's up to them to change the way things are done in Washington. Partisan politics won't work.

Another reason why I think Barack Obama won is because he reached out to Independent voters and Republican voters who were dismayed by Bush and his administration. Republicans are supposed to be fiscal conservatives, but Bush was not. Instead he has borrowed and spent enormous amounts of money. That the economy is in trouble is no accident. Obama made the point several times in his book The Audacity Of Hope that he wanted to work WITH Republicans whenever possible. Of course, there will still be conflicts of interest and the country may be moving in a more liberal direction, but then we've moved from conservative politics (slavery, sexism for example) to more liberal politics consistently over time. All in all this may not be such a bad thing, though some people might take some time getting adjusted to it.

Again I think of young people and the kind of world they are growing up in. The advent of the personal computer has drastically changed the social/political landscape for young people. We now live in a global community. Gone are the days when the U.S. can remain an isolationist country. Now we affect the world and the world affects us. And what are young people looking at these days? Sexually transmitted diseases, two wars abroad, a failing economy, a lack of resources, global warming, etc, etc... We are all up against it, but they are the ones who will inherit the messes we've all made beforehand. Again the only way out of our troubles is to acknowledge that these are global problems and require an even greater unity than Democrats joining with Republicans. These problems require that the whole world work in unison.

What does that mean, a world working in unison? It means, above all things, world peace. War is not the answer to anything, it just perpetuates the cycle of horror and abuse. I hope young people figure this one out because without peace we can't address the fact that we may be killing our world and raping its resources. If we continue to attack one another we just perpetuate our problems and miss our chance to reverse all these destructive trends. If we continue to attack one another we doom our species to self-destruct.

People are so freaked out by terrorists and understandably so, but the truth is terrorists are human too, sick, obsessed humans but humans none the less. And terrorism cannot be eliminated through violence. Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers". In fact Jesus said a whole lot about the extraordinary power of love and forgiveness. Why do people forget this?In Buddhism life is considered so precious that you shouldn't even step on an ant if you can help it. People forget that too. But there is this great resistance to the concept striving for world peace. People have called me an idealist, but I am not. I am a pragmatist. We are blinded by our own bias' to the point where we rob others of the most precious thing there is: Life. What right do any of us have to be violent, to maim and murder? The power of hate is glorified in wars and the power of love is mocked. Jesus was mocked and murdered for promoting a most revolutionary concept: Turn the other cheek, love your enemies, forgive others so that you can be forgiven. He said anyone could love friends and family, but it is the extraordinary person who can love an enemy. How many people have the courage to do what Jesus did and not succumb to revenge and punishment? Not many and so here we are, in a world full of war and injustice. It's been over 2,000 years since Jesus was murdered. Unity IS the answer and peace and love should be the goal, but this requires that people be extraordinary and turn the other cheek. Is anyone willing to try?


nancy said...


First, thank you for this photo. I hadn't seen it yet and it is lovely.

I agree with you about so many things that you have said so eloquently. You express passion and a groundedness that I think one needs to see things clearly. Peace. It is difficult to understand who wouldn't want this. Unfortunately, I am sad to say that some think more about their gain and also fear and lack the ability to see how destructive war is. I have heard people call me naive and that with my view the U.S. would be in BIG trouble. I am happy to say that Obama seems to speak "my language". I pray he can help us clean up some messes created by what i think was greed, corruption and just plain stupidity.


Wanderer said...

Hi Nancy,

Most people I think see war as a "necessary evil", but I don't get it. I mean evil is evil. It's not just soldiers who get maimed and die, it's civilians. How can any of it be all right? But the question remains--how do you fight violence? I've thought before that the way to handle people who are violent is to shoot them with a sedation dart like shooting a wild animal. You disable them without hurting them. Then take away their weapons and destroy them. At least researchers should develop non violent ways of immobilizing "the enemy". A commitment to world peace has to start somewhere. Violence is not an acceptable solution, that is unless we want to remain as animals and stop aspiring to be angels. It bothers me that there are all these Judeo/Christian religious people out there who ignore "thou shalt not murder" and "love your enemies" and "turn the other cheek" as if the Bible were just joking about those commands. What would the world be like if all people believed in the spiritual principle that "though shalt NOT murder"? There's so much talk about sin and yet so much sinning going on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate,

I had to answer you responce to nancy and agree with you that War is murder there is no way around that. I was thinking the other day what it would be like if America just stayed put where they where and protected there borders but then that would not be in the interests of America.

In the bible people took land over claiming it is theres and there is talk of having enermies. I still have read enough to know why they would go into a land and take what belongs to some one else. Isn't that stealing? Aparently God told them to. So I am confused.

Maybe this is also why people kill in war thinking that it is not murder.


Anonymous said...

There will come atime where there is peace and no war. One day.